Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Marketing Tips explained by Alumnus of AIESEC Hyderabad

AIESEC is a wonderful organization where you get to learn and develop skills that lead your life forward. The skills that you learn today will be useful forever. So did for one of our esteemed alumnus, Pallak Sancheti. Recruited in 2009 into the Corporate Sector of AIESEC, she assumed the role of Vice President of AIESEC Hyderabad for Marketing & Communications for the year 2010, within 5 months of her experience. In her term, she developed the systems of Communications and marketing to a profound magnitude. The marketing & branding of AIESEC and its activities reached out to various untouched parts of the city & nation. She was also a Teamster for the 62nd International Congress held in Hyderabad, India, where she gained experience and learning that she still remembers. Currently working in the Marketing team of Facebook, Asia Office in Hyderabad, she visited the Marketing team of AIESEC Hyderabad for a 2 hour session on “Marketing Trends to follow and business models that can be followed in AIESEC & in Communications

Pallak Sancheti addressing the attendees for the Marketing session

The attendees of the session were the Marketing & Communications team of AIESEC Hyderabad.

The Session included the Trends in Marketing that have been followed through the years, and the trends that are working now. The members got an insight into the external world as to how marketing works. The business model practice which was shown by Pallak to the members about how every big idea should be worked according a business plan. The approach towards any idea, with a great business model is sure to reach success.
Through Pallak’s session on Marketing, the members of AIESEC acquired a clear aspect of Marketing know-hows and trends in the external world which could be incorporated into AIESEC. Catching up is the word when it comes to Marketing. The methods and means of communication is ever changing and communicating the right message using the right media is the best case practice.

“Pallak’s the most amazing twenty one year old I’ve come across.” Said Anirudh, attendee at the session.

Pallak, as talented as she is, is also very humble and loved interacting with the new members of AIESEC. She gave away AIESEC goodies as well to the excited members.
Output: Members of Communications & Information Management portfolio of AIESEC have a clearer picture of Marketing & how to blend with the external world to be able to market AIESEC products better.

For more information about AIESEC, contact info@aiesechyderabad.com
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