HIV/AIDS as a global epidemic threatens not only us, but the generations to follow with its deathly presence. With its very large scale presence in the world, and Andhra Pradesh in particular HIV/AIDS remains a very important social issue and we, as young, global citizens know that we have to play our part in making the world more aware of this dreaded disease.
AIESEC as a global, youth-run organization has an internationally driven learning program, GENESIS, as a part of which young, global citizens take part in internships all around the world, involving educating people about HIV/AIDS.
PAST: GENESIS in Hyderabad last year included a total of 14 interns coming down from countries as diverse as China, the United States, Mauritius, the UK, Ukraine, Hong Kong, etc. These 14 interns took part in about 25 workshops in various schools and colleges in the twin cities, educating people about HIV/AIDS, its perils, its history, the stigma attached to it, the way it affects our body and most importantly the prevention methods associated with the disease.
As a part of GENESIS last year, we impacted over 10,000 young individuals of the 14-21 age group, and intend to increase that number significantly this time around. All this to live up to our goal as an organization to work towards a positive impact on society. 
PRESENT: In the year 2010, the first phase or period of impact includes interns from 4 countries with the goal of impacting over 12000 people in and around the twin cities. As the Vice President incharge of projects, Nagarjuna Yadav, says-" Our vision is to impact every member of society, everyday, everywhere."
To be a part of GENESIS this year as a volunteer contact:
Nagarjuna Yadav - +91 9959648868