Thursday, March 18, 2010


Kiran Mayee

“Go and conduct AIDS Awareness workshops. How hard could that be??” I thought! So when they asked in the interview, “why genesis??” I answered “why NOT genesis??!” I mean, how difficult could that really be? The base was set, the task was not that difficult , and I had the will to do it...

But the next thirty days proved to be the most excruciating, hectic, demanding, and of course the most memorable days of my life. There were so many possibilities for one simple task to go wrong. I couldn’t even imagine the way things could get twisted the way they did. It was definitely not some 1-2-3 instant maggi noodle recipe as I wrongly assumed.

When taking up social responsibility becomes a necessity, a priority, an obsession and not just a bonus, Project Genesis for me became a struggle to set things right. I learnt so much and I used to think I knew everything! It made me realize that every little experience is just a part of a bigger learning process, something much larger than the scope of any of ours’ imagination.

Heading Genesis was one of the chief, most intense and major terms of my learning experiences. Although, it was the shortest!

I found a friend with a different equation in each of my team members. I learnt many things about team dynamics. Most importantly, I found my very own leadership style. :)

At the end of this term, I sure as hell realized that I did not achieve my humongous targets, but I’m satisfied. Because I know and believe that I did deliver what I promised to; Quality workshops, Quality AIESEC Experience,and Quality learning for me, my members, my trainees and the youth of Hyderabad!

No matter how hard the College bandhs, frequent agitations and re-scheduled exams tried discouraging us, we stood strong. In the end, I am satisfied!

Thank-you AIESEC HYDERABAD... :)

Kiran Mayee,
Organizing Committee President,
Genesis HIV/AIDS Project.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Experience of an Experience.....

Ruthika Modi

“Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. “

My term on the Organizing Committee has been the most memorable, rewarding, satisfying and challenging experience, both personally and professionally, for me, in AIESEC. I got recruited in August '09 and the phone call which said I was 'in' changed my life. I was amazed to see a *student* organization run so efficiently. It was astounding to see individuals of my age working hard to be THE CHANGE AGENTS.

Then i attended the Local Training Seminar, It was one of the best seminars i had ever attended! I entered a new world. A world which gave me everything. Work, friends, experience, fun, jives, roll calls, PUNISHMENTS and countless joyful memories. I got a chance to attend the AIESEC CONFERENCE. These conferences are bound to change the way you think, the way you act and the way you live. Three FANTASTIC Conferences that i attended were truly life changing experiences.

Then i decided to apply for the post of organizing committee president for February recruitments, 2010. A grilling interview, serious faces and worried conversations, I went through it all. Little did i know, it was just the beginning!

I wanted it, I applied for it and......I GOT IT!!!

I was at a high. It was a wonderful feeling! It was not over, yet. I was overwhelmed to get my CO-President, Nitish Reddy!!! I knew, both of us together would make it possible. And then came the time, when Nitish and I got a family. A bunch of diverse, innovative and bright individuals made their way into our lives, Nikita garg, Nain reddy, Tania Rao, Ashmita Chabaria, Swati Arun, Seshu Kumar and Eeshan Reddy.

the rOCk'n'rollas!!!

Together we experienced some of the wackiest moments: college rides, the form sales, the arguments, the permission letters, the joy of counting tallies, tasty canteen food, the small treats, the seminars and many more wonderful moments which made our term memorable!! Ohhh what fun we had!!! Bunking college and going to someone elses college to sell forms... how vague does that sound?? haha... but that's what we did and had the time of our lives. So many fragments of memories associated with so many people. But these 9 people were SPECIAL. An extraordinary league altogether and I am so proud to be one of them!! :)

There are stories in abundance. One, from every college. Something funny that happened or something valuable that we learnt. From nikita falling from the chair or swati being left in JBIET( :P),to the principals scolding us, to each and every one of us delivering successful seminars and impacting thousands of students. From facing bandhs to not fixing appointments, we faced a lot of challenges. And every single challenge, made us stronger!!! From being able to sell forms to pulling off an entire event on our own, from breaking records to creating new ones, we did it all. These 45 days have been the most memorable, mind blowing and remarkable days of my life.

This term was my baby!!! And to be able to deliver it successfully makes me feel like a proud parent today! :D. I had a Fantastic Organizing Committee and now we are friends for life. It’s funny how a term gets you such amazing friends whom u never really knew. I will terribly miss those days when all of us left everything (college, home, friends, etc..) to make this possible. The infinite online meets, the small chats, the long talks over the phone, coming up with strategies :P, the screaming, the ordering, the walk-in video (wuhoo.. ) and the jives!! One helluva experience.

From shouting in the corridors to announcing the names of selected candidates, from declaring not- so- good news to those who dint make it to getting blasted by the Executive Board, from crying to laughing till I almost cried, we lived all the possible emotions at once.

Attending my Local Training Seminar was a great experience,Helping to deliver one was greater..!! :) I was so Happy to see 84 baby AIESEC’ers sitting there, the ones whom we sold the forms to, now are a part of US.

What we dint realize then was that we were constantly growing and learning while having so much fun. I have changed in these 45 days by

Heaps and bounds and for the better! Such is the intensity of the OC term!

Now that it’s over, I feel I am missing something, there is a void that is created which can never really be filled, which can never be substituted.

But, since all good things have to come to an end, this did too. I am just glad that i happened to be a part of this magical term. I am sure, in the coming days, i will have many more terms to live, experience and cherish. :)

Thank you Aiesec Hyderabad for giving me one of the most enriching experiences of my life....

Signing off,
Ruthika Modi,
Organsing Committee President
Feb Recuitments, 2010.
student, St. Francis.

Monday, March 8, 2010

An Old Recruit.....

Nitish Reddy

Being a 19 year old student, son and a friend - My life was quite the average story to tell, until a very average day turned extraordinary when i was 'drenched' with expectations to fulfill one task :

~ Bring In The Best ~ into AIESEC in Hyderabad

A week of anxiousness had passed since the day my Co-Organizing Committee President and I were made responsible for Recruitments, but the moment had arrived when "They" were announced. Seven individuals who i was going to spend the next 45 days of my life through thick and thin. My Co, my Organizing Committee and me, made The Nine of us. We were slightly acquainted people who would soon be known as....

~ the rOCk 'n' rollas ~

It started off slow. The first day brought us our first form sale. I named the day Random Day 1 because, it was my first time experience to go up to random people, at random places, tell them something random and get a random response. The first day itself brought us success and the ability to deal with failure.
Over the course of the first month - we Rocked and Rolled from one college to the next to look for THEM and we took over Face-book and put AIESEC Hyderabad on 10000 homepages! We Searched for THEM in 25 different colleges. I brushed shoulders with 3000 of Hyderabad's finest youth who were oblivious to the potential within them and the opportunities that lay ahead of them and it was upto us to open the 'Doors to let the light In'. I came across people who yelled " AIESEC !!! Gimme a Form ! " Most times I wasn't so lucky. It sometimes took me half a minute to convince them, sometimes 2 minutes, sometimes 20, but once a group just said " Ok! Stop talking! And just give us the form." :)

Our Hunt for THEM was a long drawn out battle with stairs, big cardboard boxes, sore throats, thirst, whiny young girls :p, tired legs and most of all HUNGER ! Every afternoon in every college our Hunt turned from THEM to IT. And IT was the COLLEGE CANTEEN ! Every canteen had its delicacies, from veg to non-veg to rice to noodles to biryani and to 65s of every kind. The quarrel still goes on - "Which canteen is the Best?"

Our Search for THEM then led us to meet our very own old friends, acquaintances and people we'd rather not meet, in the places we least expected. But my real friends were the Eight walking right next to me through all times. It wasn't limited to just walking. We shared bus rides, bike rides, accidents, car breakdowns. We were in office meets together, we went broke together, we chilled together, The Worst and The Best - we were in a Maruthi 800 all together! But most importantly We Rocked together & We Rolled together. My search for THEM led me first to the greatest team ever. None of the records we broke, none of the experiences i had would have been sweet without the ones i call my Team - my Family.:)

Finally the Week had come , when OUR Search for THEM would culminate down to Three Days of Recruitments. THEY now, had found US. A gentle Friday and an empty Saturday gave way to a SUNDAY. No adjectives could describe It. We did not realize THEY were so many !!! 500 applicants in a single day were to be accommodated in 7 small rooms systematically through 3 rounds. We tried - we failed. We tried - We failed. We tried really hard again....This time we OWNED IT! :)

We went through a blissful Wednesday and I sat on the floor with the last of THEM and then Nostalgia took over, I went back to days when I had my form sold to me and my three stage recruitments. The anxiety, the nervousness, the excitement of doing something completely new all came back when I saw it on THEIR faces.

The day had arrived. 83 wonderful people were chosen to to be given all the opportunities that AIESEC has to offer. I remember receiving my call with little enthusiasm for something unknown. This time it was me who made the call and the enthusiasm at the other end made me jealous. I knew this one was going to enjoy Local Training Seminar. The Local Training Seminar needs no words to describe it. It was just me at the back of the hall, watching with pride and jealousy as THEY learnt the AIESEC Culture and the AIESEC Way as I did 6 months ago.

When it all had begun a long time ago, I was told , warned and taught about the journey ahead. To LIVE the Organizing Committee Experience was the Teaching that could not be taught. I owe it all to AIESEC which gave me my OC and my fellow AIESECers.

6 months ago, I was at the back of my class. 6 months later I found myself at the back of THEIR class.

The time had come...

They were no longer THEY...

THEY had become US...

And i could for the first time call them

"My Baby AIESECers"

Nitish Reddy Koripalli,
Organizing Committee President,
February Recruitment 2010,
AIESEC Hyderabad.

~ the rOCk 'n' rollas ~

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Aiesec Experience - From A Beginner's Desk.....

Vijay Naidu

What i have experienced in the last one week cannot be penned down....

It’s the way I feel, ecstatic. Just a week back, I, Vijay Naidu a 1st year student from Wesley College was standing in the crowd of hundreds at Amruta Castle. The curiosity of going through a grilling three round interview was ripping me apart.....I could feel that the tension and the eagerness to join the organization was taking over me!!!! The only thing i knew then was that the World i was trying to be a part of, was DIFFERENT!!! The individuals in this world called themselves as AIESEC'ers. Four days after my interview, i got a call. I was one of those fortunate 81 who were selected to be the members of AIESEC ! I am exultant to adapt the culture here, and live my life

The Aiesec Way.

The awe-inspiring Local Training Seminar gave us the insight into the Aiesec world, its Structure, Culture, The Aiesec Way and the kind of opportunities we can grab to explore the leadership potential in us! This was one of the finest weekends i witnessed. 81 new friends, a new family, and a thousand reasons to smile are just a few things i got from this seminar. Two days of immense learning and amazing fun - an experience i

would cherish for days to come!

But, the journey had just started!!! LTS was not the end of the AIESEC HYDERABAD had another exuberant festivity planned for us, on holi!!!! For the new recruits, it was the first cultural event in Aiesec!!! We got to meet the alumni, old members and the trainees of Aiesec Hyderabad. I hardly knew anyone. At the same time, i felt connected! I was blown away by the comfort level we shared! I had a wonderful Holi. I was just astounded by the positivity in the atmosphere and the fun-loving people around me. Amazing friends, excellent venue and colourful faces with wide smiles was what it was all about. And i thoroughly enjoyed it!!! I feel i have got a new family of friends. I am very happy and proud to be an AIESEC'er...

Thank You AIESEC for giving me a new life......:)

AIESEC - The Journey Begins.....:)

Sujay Garg

Almost a week passed by, since the Local Training Seminar was conducted, but its still fresh in our minds. The thundering applause we received as we entered the hall, the adjective –name session ,which was very effective in making us remember names quickly, the incredibly enjoyable stress busters- jives, roll calls etc, everything.

We witnessed presentations which showed certain facts about the world, some were historical, some were sad , and some were outright disturbing. Well the bottom line was that change had to start at an individual level for it to gain any momentum whatsoever at any other other level.

Day 2 of the Local Training Seminar:- The hungover form the previous day’s experience was still there. We got introduced to the various aspects of AIESEC. The respective Vice Presidents delivered their bit about their respective departments. This was the time , day –old acquaintances evolved into role models.

The word “leadership” has many perceptions. For example, Aerodynamically the Bumble bee isn’t even supposed to fly, but it does ,unaware that every time it takes flight its performs a miracle. Why? Because it doesn’t know it wasn’t supposed to fly. Nature didn’t create any borders , it is us who did it. How many of us have surrendered to the assumption that we cant do something without even trying it out? i know I have. A leader is a person(in my opinion) who challenges these assumptions everyday and says to the Nay-Sayers “UP YOURS” just like the bumble bee.

The next day we had a HOLI party at AIESEC’er Ashwath's place. Excellent people, excellent venue, excellent music, a lot of colors and loads of fun. I got to meet the members, alumni and trainees of our Local Committee. It was an amazing experience.

The old rec’s welcomed us Baby Aiesec'ers into the family with both arms open. A lot of effort went into the execution of the events for us, for which I thank each one of them. Thank you for making it special for us....

"I am basically from Mumbai. Came to Hyderabad like two years back and studying in Institute of Aeronautics Engineering, now! Initially missed my parents, dint really get along with the local language here. I have always been "The Outsider" even among the peers. But, the moment i walked in to AIESEC, I realized that "Where i came from" is not what matters, what really matters is WHO I AM....:)

Thank you Aiesec Hyderabad for giving such a wonderful beginning to my AIESEC journey.:)