Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. -Mark Twain
Its a simple desicion that you take will give you a story to tell. It all lies in that one desicion.
The youth is a period of life that defines freedom,and the urge to see the world . It is hence the most remembered part of ones lifespan, because it is this time, when the story of one's life is made.
How many of us take risks, or even test ourselves? How many of us have come out of our shell, out of our comfort zone and done something worthwhile? Like say learn a new language?Travel a country?
We at AIESEC, believe in taking up anything and everything that life has to offer. We are a people’s organisation. The only thing that AIESEC is what it is , is ONLY because the sheer attitude of the youth involved with it.
One such opportunity is an International Internship. Its like living one and a half month of a life never lived before. You are tested at everytime, right from living independently, to meeting strangers, to working on a social cause in another country, to conceptualizing projects, to implementing them. It involves a hands on leadership experience where, one gets to take initiative and understand what goes in the making of a team. It gives one the taste of real work culture that one is going to face in say 5 years from now.
Have a look at what is in store for you: http://www.scribd.com/doc/64782328/Exchange-Participant-Help-Book
Its an opportunity to give yourself a chance to have a life changing experience. Its one simple desicion that could cause you no regrets later.
Go Global and have a story to tell.
Want an experience of a lifetime?
Contact Harmeet-
We're always around. :)
amazing video! =)
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